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What personal impact has the tension between economic globalization and national self-interest had on you or your community?


What experiences have made you skeptical or supportive of claims that the 'elite' are disconnected from regular citizens?


Can you cite a scenario where you felt the needs of your community were bypassed for the sake of national interests?


How do the ethical values you've been raised with align or clash with the ideas of national protectionism?


What changes in your personal environment have led you to either support or critique the current political atmosphere?


Have you noticed a shift in attitudes towards patriotism in recent trends or social movements around you?


Have you ever felt that a specific policy or political stance might limit your future opportunities, and why?


To what extent have technological advances and social media changed the way you engage with or perceive right-wing populist ideas?


When politicians speak of 'national pride,' how does that resonate with your own feelings and observations within your community?


What personal circumstances have made you feel that government intervention, or lack thereof, is needed in economic affairs?


Can local cultural and sporting events effectively unite people in a way that transcends political divisions?


How can a country balance the desire for cultural unity with the need to respect individual freedoms and diversity?


How do you feel about the role of charismatic leaders in shaping the public's political beliefs?


Do you believe that prioritizing certain cultural narratives can lead to exclusion, and how does this affect your view on cultural policies?


To what extent do you think policies should reflect the prevailing cultural values of your country?


What has been a personal consequence of economic protectionism or deregulation you have observed in your area?


How do you think empathy for ‘the other’ can fit into conversations about national policy?


When choosing leaders, do you look for those who challenge the status quo or those who stick to traditional politics, and why?


Does the idea of 'putting your country first' resonate with your personal values or clash with them, and in what ways?


If you had to decide, would you prioritize job security for locals over a globally competitive labor market, and why?


When has a significant event in your country made you question or affirm your stance on immigration?


Can you describe a situation where supporting traditional values helped or hindered progress in your view?


Have there been moments when you felt misunderstood or misrepresented by political labels, and why?


To what extent do you believe your personal liberties should be influenced by the government's vision for the nation?


Can you share an experience where you felt positively or negatively impacted by a policy aimed at national interests over global concerns?


Do you think the voice of the 'average person' is accurately represented in politics today, and why or why not?


How does the idea of protecting your cultural identity influence your stance on political issues?


When have you felt national pride, and do you think that feeling is essential for a society's well-being?


What conversations have you had with peers that revealed the complexity of balancing economic growth with cultural preservation?


In your experience, do cultural or sports events enhance feelings of national pride or divisiveness, and why?


Can you share a moment when you felt your personal freedoms were challenged by security measures, and what was your reaction?


How do you balance your desire for economic stability with concerns about the potential environmental impact of industry-centric policies?


How do you think your sense of belonging has been shaped by the national narratives presented in your education or media?


When politicians discuss the 'will of the people,' how do you determine if they're truly representing your interests or not?


Have you ever witnessed a situation where community traditions conflicted with progressive ideas, and how did it make you feel?


How does the tension between urban and rural values play out in your perception of politics and right-wing populism?


Can you think of an act of defiance against the political establishment that you found inspiring, and why did it resonate with you?


How do you perceive the balance between economic growth and the protection of workers in traditionally low-wage sectors?


Have social media platforms exposed you to more diverse political opinions, and if so, have any challenged your own views?


When faced with a political decision, how much do your personal experiences versus media representations influence your choice?


Can you think of a moment when you felt that the 'common people's' voices were effectively heard in politics?


Should the success of a nation be measured by the well-being of its most vulnerable members, and how do right-wing populist policies achieve this?


Is it the duty of the government to preserve a nation's traditional values, or should that be left to individuals?


Does a focus on strong national borders improve national security, or does it foster unnecessary fear of the 'other'?


If you felt your personal way of life was being threatened, how far would you go to defend it?


Do you feel that a more homogeneous society is safer and more stable, or does diversity bring strength?


How do you feel about the concept that certain cultural or national identities might be lost without protectionist measures?


What role do you believe the media plays in the rise or fall of right-wing populist movements?


Is it possible to be both fully inclusive and maintain a strong national identity, and how do you find the balance?


How do you think right-wing populism might change the political landscape in your community or country?