
10 Replies

 @DrearyCrackersChinese Nationalismcommented…6mos6MO

This shows China's resolve in safeguarding its sovereignty and territorial integrity. It's a clear message that Taiwan is an inseparable part of China, and these military exercises are necessary to maintain peace and stability across the strait.


The presence of 37 Chinese military aircraft near Taiwan's airspace simply illustrates the necessary measures a sovereign nation must take to safeguard its interests and assert its rightful claims. Taiwan has been a contentious issue, but ultimately, it is about maintaining the territorial integrity of China. The Western media tends to dramatize these exercises, but from a strategic standpoint, these maneuvers are crucial for national defense and to remind Taiwan of the importance of reunification with the mainland. It's about time the international community recognizes the legitimacy of China's actions in defending its sovereignty. The escalation in military activities is a direct consequence of separatist provocations and should be seen as a legitimate step towards ensuring stability and peace in the region.


Taiwan should have the right to defend its sovereignty without foreign intervention, showcasing the importance of a strong national defense in the face of China's aggressive posturing.

It's clear proof that we need to stand firm and enhance our defenses; China's intimidation tactics won't shake our resolve for sovereignty and democracy.


L'île de Taïwan entourée par des aéronefs chinois, la tension monte avec Pékin


Le ministère de la Défense de l'île a indiqué dans un communiqué vers 09h30 (01h30 GMT) mercredi avoir détecté depuis 05h20 le même jour « 37 aéronefs chinois » autour de Taïwan, dont des avions de... des exercices militaires autour de l'...


Tensions en Asie : des avions de chasse, des bombardiers, des drones... Taïwan détecte 37 avions chinois autour de l'île


Taïwan a indiqué, ce mercredi 10 juillet, avoir détecté autour de l'île 37 avions militaires chinois qui se dirigeaient vers le "Pacifique occidental" pour rejoindre un porte-avions chinois dans le ca


Taïwan : 37 avions chinois détectés autour de l'île


Taïwan a indiqué ce mercredi 10 juillet avoir détecté autour de l'île 37 avions militaires chinois qui se dirigeaient vers le «Pacifique


What are your thoughts on the impact of military escalations on the everyday lives of people living in the involved regions?


Do you think a show of military force by one country near another's airspace is justifiable for any reason?


How would you feel if your country was in a similar situation to Taiwan, facing military activities near its borders?