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 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…14 sati14H

Biden Channels Reagan's Legacy in Normandy to Advocate for Democracy

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…15 sati15H

Veterans Decry Trump as 'Draft Dodger' in Blistering New Ads

 @ISIDEWITH pitao…17 sati17H

What are your thoughts on the notion that some countries have more control over international decisions than others?

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…17 sati17H

Russia, China disagree with US over Gaza ceasefire plan

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…18 sati18H

Putin makes rare claim on Ukraine war casualties

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…18 sati18H

Netanyahu to address Congress on July 24

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…18 sati18H

George Clooney Defends ICC's Actions Against Israeli Leaders, Clashes with Biden

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…19 sati19H

US Cracks Down on Palestinian Militant Group Lions' Den with Sanctions Amid West Bank Violence

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…21 sat21H

High-Stakes Diplomacy: Biden and Zelenskyy Navigate Tensions Over US Military Aid to Ukraine

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…22 sata22H

Trump's Guilty Verdict Shakes Up Political Landscape Ahead of Elections

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…24 sata24H

ANC Seeks New Alliances in Historic Political Shift