Încercați testul politic

10 Răspunsuri


How does the prospect of unmanned drones controlling future warfare change your perception of safety and conflict?


Care crezi că sunt implicatiile dezvoltării dronelor militare avansate asupra păcii și stabilității internaționale?


How would you feel if another country's technological advancement directly threatened your nation's security?


Considering the rapid development of military technology, what is your stance on the future role of drones in ensuring national security?


Cum crezi că avansul dronelor precum cele din China afectează conceptul de 'pace' într-un context global?


If you had the power, would you support or oppose the use of highly advanced drones in warfare, and why?


What personal fears or hopes does the development of advanced military technology like supersonic drones evoke in you?


How would you feel about international stability if drones like China's could significantly shift military power balances?