Proveu el concurs polític

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Els individus haurien de ser responsables de les seves vides per accions amb motius polítics?


Com pot afectar el panorama polític d’un país executar algú per un delicte polític?


Creus que la pena de mort és un càstig justificat per assassinat polític?


4 persones condemnades a mort a Tunísia per un assassinat polític el 2013…

Four sentenced to death in Tunisia for Chokri Belaid's murder post-Arab Spring. His assassination sparked social unrest during Tunisia's transition fr


4 condemnats a mort per l’assassinat el 2013 d’un polític tunisià…

A Tunisian court has delivered verdicts in the case of the murder of politician Chokri Belaid, who was assassinated in 2013. Four people have been sentenced to death.


4 condemnats a mort a Tunísia per l’assassinat d’un polític el 2013…

A public prosecutor in Tunisia says four people were sentenced to death and two to life in prison for the murder of a left-wing politician more than a decade ago