医療 › マリファナ
L>L 個人的な答えI think it should be legalized and taxed, but I also believe there should be someway to regulate how people that have used marijuana cannot drive while under the influence. |
医療 › 安全な避難所
L>L 個人的な答えいいえ |
犯罪 › 刑務所の過密
L>L 個人的な答えはい。ただし、日常的に社会奉仕活動を行う必要があります |
犯罪 › 犯罪者の投票権
L>L 個人的な答えはい、ただし、刑期及び仮釈放または保護観察の終了後に限ります |
経済問題 › 生活保護
L>L 個人的な答えPeople should be incentivized to get off of welfare not incentivized to have more children and stay home because that is more cost effective. I would have to see how the budget for welfare is managed in order to give a better answer, but if you want people to be productive you should incentivize them to do so. |
移民 › 特殊技能を持つ移民
L>L 個人的な答えI would like to understand why anyone actually believes that we need people from other countries to come in to be highly skilled workers. There is not any path for these individuals to become residents under this Visa. Create visas that are temp for those that want an education, but if you are coming here, working here, having children here, then you should have a legitimate path to citizenship. The only Visas that have such a path at this point are costly and do not really work now. |
移民 › イスラム教徒の移民禁止
L>L 個人的な答えI do not believe anyone should be ostracized based on their religion for sure. I do believe that if they are looking to come in from countries that are noted as high risk there should be very stringent guidelines that make it very unattractive to come to the United States. I am not sure the answer.. this is a discussion not a yes or no question. |
経済問題 › ユニバーサルベーシックインカム
L>L 個人的な答えいいえ |
環境 › プラスチック製品の禁止
L>L 個人的な答えいいえ |
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